
Time is our most important resource; we can’t make more of it. When we use it badly we run out of it. Instinctively we know this, so we create deadlines to manage the time that we have available. Yet we are generally poor at creating strategies to manage the time in order to meet the deadlines, with consequential, and entirely predictable results.

When we misuse time, waste it or misunderstand it then we lose out; on life, on money, on flourishing, on rewards and on happiness. In many business sectors management has become heavily process-driven; often relying on improvements in the one area, IT, ‘tech’, digitisation, call it what you will, that has shown speed and efficiency improvements through technical advancement. Both the customer and the employee have suffered as a result.

As a time strategist Jeremy Dodd can assist with managing and re-prioritising that time. Consultancy services can assist others with the appreciation of the passing of time and its impact on business. His blog, discusses time, the philosophy of time and its role in modern society as well as responsibility and self reliance.

Self-evidently Jeremy Dodd will not recommend that clients install a brand new computer program/system that will take years to bed-in and be troubleshot before any productivity gains can be realised. Time strategy is about ‘taking back control’ of the systems already in use and disposing of systems that are no longer working usefully.


Jeremy Dodd is a time strategist.He has spent many years managing time for businesses and high-net worth individuals. He has improved time management in time-charging businesses such as law firms, public relations consultancies and advertising agencies.

Following a successful career in management and marketing, he believes that time and its management is at the root of societal problems and poor productivity.

In the area of design and craft skills and hand-making he also believes that the specialist time spent builds value in the product, and he recognises the importance to personal flourishing of celebrating individuality through creating something unique.

He recognises the pleasure that comes with beautifully designed and created mechanisms and supports the backlash against the digitisation of our processes, our lives and our society.

Jeremy has been described as an ‘ideas polymath’ and has become fascinated by the passage of time and the differing values, both moral and monetary, given to time in the modern world.


For time strategy, time consultancy, time-related content and innovative writing about time then please contact or telephone +44 (0) 1483 200503.